Toy and Train Publishing Co.
5518 Willys Ave.
Halethorpe, MD, USA
The future of Toy and Train Publishing Co. is bright. Projects either in progress or under consideration at this time
- MARX Load Vehicles, A Complete Guide Please help. Click Here!
- The DEFINITIVE Guide to Marx Trains, 7", Scale and Streamliners; Scale collection to be photographed in Jan 2009.
Streamliners, Mercury's, and Seven-Inch photography nearly completed.
- The DEFINITIVE Guide to Marx Trains, Plastic; Collection Photographed August 2007. Databases being developed presently.
Format designed and tested.
- The DEFINITIVE Guide to Marx Trains, Engines; My Little Nightmare is now just a bad dream. A Marx document has fallen
into my hands which has proved to be revealing. It is likely that engines will be rolled into the other CD's.
- The DEFINITIVE Guide to Marx Trains, British and Mexican; Unlikely Due to Limited Interest
- The DEFINITIVE Guide to Hoge Trains; Preliminary Work Begun
- The DEFINITIVE Guide to Hafner Trains; Unlikely
- A Pictorial Guide to Plastic Cars and Trucks; Completed and available for purchase.
- A Beginners Guide to Postwar European Lithographed Clockwork Trains; Now Available.
- Building a Great Layout Made Easy. Preliminary Work Begun
Video DVD's
- A Chronological Look at Marx Train Production
from Joy Line to the Quaker Oats Era. Unlikely.
- Very Rare Old Trains in Operation (Not yet titled). A Possibility!
If you would like to offer assistance on any of these projects, or if you have an idea for another project, please let
us know by using the email link at the bottom of this page.
Email me info@toyandtrainguides.com.