Version No. 1.0 (1-2008) $14.95
by Walt Hiteshew and Trip Riley
To review some sample pages of the disk click here.
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To the world Outside of North America and Hawaii shipping and Handling is $10.00. Use the button below to purchase. $10.00 S&H charge will be automatically added.
Featuring Plastic Cars and Trucks from;
- Acme
- Allied
- Aurora
- Banner
- Bonnie Bilt
- B-W
- Cragstan
- Crover
- Cruver
- F&F
- Gilmark
- Ideal
- Irwin
- Keystone
- Kilgore
- Lapin
- Lido
- Manoil
- Marx
- Nosco
- Plasticmasters
- Plasticville
- Premier
- Pyro
- Renwal
- Ross
- Saunders
- Slik Toy
- Thomas
- Wannatoy - Dillon/Beck
- Wyandotte
- Unknown
Below are some features of the disk.
- This menu driven, self starting CD requires virtually no computer skills.
Simply insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive in your computer and wait for it to start.
- It has 840 pages showing 702 vehicles.
- There are more than 790 color photographs.
- No installation is required. (Windows 98 or newer.)
- Photographs of each item including many detail shots.
- Values for each item.
The CD is menu driven by manufacturer and includes several original drawings.
If you love these little toys this CD is for you. It does not promise to show everything you might have but it is a good starting
point for the identification and evaluation of these cars and trucks.
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