Toy and Train Publishing Co.
5518 Willys Ave.
Halethorpe, MD, USA
Due to recent (2013) massive price increases by the United States Postal Service the following shipping costs are now in effect. We apologize for these increases. From 2005 until 2013 we absorbed the increased postage rates but we no longer can do so.
- Shipping cost for any CD to The United States of America (Hawaii included) is $3.00.
- Shipping cost for any CD to Canada, Central or South America is $8.00.
- Shipping cost for any CD outside North America is $10.00.
CD's will be shipped by U.S. Postal Service, First Class Mail unless other arrangements are made.
Multiple purchases (6 or more CD's can be shipped in a bulk pack. Email with destination address to get shipping
Email me info@toyandtrainguides.com.
Dealer inquiries invited.