This M10000 engine is a possible preproduction sample; not for the M10000 but possibly for a
Buck Rogers type toy using the M10000 power unit as a base. The detail of the side shows
slots, holes and eyelets that do not show up in production
This front view of the engine shows the airsplitter. This is not a basement special.
This piece required considerable skill and tooling to make.
This view shows the attachment of the airsplitter, no simple task. The eylets used are
consistent with Marx production.
This view shows the details of the side. Hole No. 1 is the same punching used in the boiler
front, behind the marker lights on a 391. No.2 is an eyelet. No.3 is a slot for a tab.
These three punchings might have been to attach a wing!
Can you imagine ... a Buck Rogers Train?
And we got that pathetic Mickey Mouse set instead!