The Definitive Guide to Marx® Trains

Joy Line & Six-Inch Tin - Version No. 1.0 (10-2005) $29.95
by Walt Hiteshew
Edited by Fred Pauling
To review some sample pages of the disk click here.
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With contributions by
- Tasker Brush,
- Dick MacNary,
- Al Woodward,
- Larry Chernow,
- and Kim Johannes.
This disk covers all Joy Line and vintage Marx six-inch tin trains.
Below are some features of the disk.
- This menu driven, self starting CD requires virtually no computer skills.
Simply insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive in your computer and wait for it to start.
- It has 529 pages with approximately 575 individual items included.
- There are more than 1600 color photographs.
- No installation is required. (Windows 98 or newer.)
- Photographs of each item include detail shots, end and top views as well as profiles.
- Written description of each item.
- In depth rarity rating for each item.
- Values established for each item by averaging input from 5 collectors of many years experience.
- Several "never pictured before" items.
It is divided into the following categories:
- Joy Line;
- 1935 Silver litho frames;
- 1936 Round end frames;
- 4 Wheel, red litho frames, tab and slot couplers;
- 4 Wheel, tin plated frames, sliding tab and slot couplers;
- 4 Wheel, square end frames, tab and slot couplers;
- 4 Wheel, square end frames, sliding tab and slot couplers;
- 4 Wheel, square end frames, plastic knuckle couplers;
- 8 Wheel, black frames, tab and slot couplers;
- 8 Wheel, black frames, automatic couplers;
- 8 Wheel, red frames, automatic couplers;
- Military.
There are cross reference pages to find items by Number or Body Type, and there is a
Gallery page that shows thumbnail pictures of every car in the guide. The thumbnail
pictures are links to the description page.
There are also pages dedicated to the following subjects:
- Wheels;
- Couplers;
- Bodies;
- Colors;
- Servicing;
- Lithography;
- Pressing steel;
- Value;
- Scarcity;
- Pioneers of Marx collecting;
- Automobile flatcar loads;
- Airplane flatcar loads.
- Military Tank loads.
Whether you are an armchair enthusiast or an advanced collector there is something on this disk for you.
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