MARX TRAINS - The Early Years

1991 Video of Joy Line, Early Marx Trains and Accessories. $21.95
by Barb Jones, narrated by Jim Tucker
This item is sold out. If enough interest is generated another production could be run.
I would need orders for at least twenty copies to consider purchasing the supplies required.
Marx Trains, the Movie, is a charming introductory video featuring vintage prewar Marx trains running on a simple small layout loaded with accessories,
buildings, vehicles, and trains. It begins by showing some Joy Line trains and Girard handcars, advances through early six-inch tin, and some Commodore
Vanderbilt sets. It parades some M10000 and Mercury sets, both articulated and traditionally coupled. Several freight car variations are noted along with
both accessories and buildings before finally focusing on Marx military trains.
The movie was originally shot on Hi-8 film and transferred to 1" VHS tape in the early 1990s. It was released in the VHS format popular at that time.
Several hundred copies were sold as a fund-raiser for the TTOS. After several years it became dormant and was largely forgotten until Barb Jones decided to
tackle the obstacles involved in having the Movie remastered and formatted for release on DVD. The TOY AND TRAIN PUBLISHING CO. is proud to offer this
delightful video to our customers exclusively.
is actually of better quality than the original on VHS. This is a charming video and is, at present (2009), the only
legitimate movie in which Marx trains are the focus. There were several videos of an amateur nature released during the time of the video camera,
in the 1980 - 90s. This is not one of them. This is a professional production with narration and an appropriate background soundtrack. To see some
small stills from the movie click here.
If you collect, operate, or just enjoy Marx tin, or any tinplate toy trains, you will love this movie. Running time is slightly longer than thirty
minutes but it will be one half hour where you are captivated and engrossed by the allure and attraction of these adorable trains and the charming
presentation. No toy train collection should be without this DVD. If you don't have a copy, buy one today!
This movie covers the following:
- Joy Line
- Popeye Handcar
- Girard Handcar
- M10000 Sets
- Commodore Vanderbilt Early Freight Sets
- Commodore Vanderbilt Early Passenger Sets
- British Marx Silver Link
- Silver Litho Frames
- Red Litho Frames
- Eight Wheel Frames
- Tin Plated Frames
- Automatic Couplers
- Wreckers
- Work Cars
- Auto Loader
- Load Vehicles
- Chrome Commodore Vanderbilt
- Accessories
- Coal Dump Unit
- Tunnels
- Stations
- Lighted Mercury Sets
- Articulated Mercury Sets
- Canadian Pacific Passenger Sets
- M10005 Sets
- Military Sets
If you love Marx or any toy trains this movie will entertain and interest you. It does not represent itself as a history of Marx trains but is is charming,
informative, and entertaining, and it is the ONLY movie in which Marx trains are the focus. If you collect Marx this should surely part of your collection.
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