1 (15K)


Metal        Choose one        Plastic

Rolling Stock
Metal        Choose one        Plastic

How many wheels on each piece?
2        4        8

You have selected the category:
Below are pictures of basic car designs. Your car might have different graphics but you should be able to make a general identification.
2whl-m10000-coach (4K) 2whl-m10000 (3K)
The M10000 sometimes has two wheeled coaches but observation is four wheeled.
These were sold in 1934 and 1935 but appear to have been replaced by the M10005 in 1936 catalogs.
All of these pieces have good value.

m10005-obs (7K) m10005-mail (7K) m10005-coach (6K) m10005 (3K)
M10005 cars always have 2 wheels. These were sold from about 1936 until 1950 or so.
Some of these have very significant value.

merc-obs (8K) merc-coach (7K) merc-tend (5K) mercury (3K)
Mercury cars always have two wheels. These were sold from 1938 until about 1950 or so.
These all have good value.

For more information purchase about these cars
The DEFINITIVE Guide to Marx Trains, Seven-Inch, Scale, and Streamliners.