1 (15K)


Metal        Choose one        Plastic

Rolling Stock
Metal        Choose one        Plastic

How many wheels on each piece?
2        4        8

How long is the piece?
6"         7"         Longer

Which Frame is the car mounted on?
slf (2K) rlf (2K) tpf (4K)
ref (4K) sef (4K)

You have selected the category: These cars were sold in electric sets in 1937 and 1938. They were never sold in clockwork sets and they were not available for separate sale.
They are always are equipped with tab and slot couplers (TSC).
Below are pictures of basic car designs. Your car might have different graphics but you should be able to make a general identification.
A few of these cars command high prices.

6-rlf-gondola (2K) 6-rlf-tank (3K) 6-rlf-hopper (3K) 6-rlfreefer (3K)
6-rlf-floodlight (3K) 6-rlf-search (2K) 6-rlf-caboose (3K) 6-rlf-bog (2K) 6-rlfreefer (3K)

For more information about these cars purchase
The DEFINITIVE Guide to Marx Trains, Six-Inch Tin and Joy Line.